Playing with Azure App Service | Scribe

    Playing with Azure App Service

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 10 steps |
    • 51 seconds
    • AzureAzure
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to create your first Azure Web App Service\ <>
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    Type **App Services** in the search bar and click on the **App Services** to view the App Services dashboard
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    **What is Azure App Service?**\ \ Azure App Service is a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering in Microsoft Azure that enables developers to build, deploy, and scale web applications and APIs quickly and easily.
    On the **App Service** wizard, clcik on the Name **my-first-web-application-in28minutes**
    **my-first-web-application-in28minutes** wizard will open, click on the **Overview** option from the left bar
    Locate the **Default domain** section on the right side and click on the copy widget
    Open the new tab in any browser and paste the copied link
    You can view the **NGINX** default web site
    To view the **Logs** for the App Service. Go back to the Azure Portal and click on the **Activity log** from the left bar
    Click on the **Scale up (App service plan)** option to Scale up your Azure App Service
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    **What is Scale up (App Service plan)?**\ \ Scale-up in the context of an Azure App Service plan refers to increasing the resources allocated to the plan to handle higher levels of traffic or workload demands. This typically involves upgrading to a higher pricing tier that offers more CPU, memory, and other resources to support the application's requirements.
    Click on the **Scale out (App service plan)** option to Scale out your Azure App Service
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    **What is Scale out (App Service plan)?**\ \ Scale out in the context of an Azure App Service plan refers to increasing the number of instances (or replicas) of the application running under the plan to handle higher levels of traffic or workload demands. This involves adding more virtual machine instances to distribute the incoming requests across multiple servers, thereby improving the application's performance and availability.
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    Congratulations on completing this lab and exploring Azure App Service! Good Job!