Playing with Azure - Portal, PowerShell, CLI, Cloud Shell | Scribe

    Playing with Azure - Portal, PowerShell, CLI, Cloud Shell

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 12 steps |
    • 43 seconds
    • AzureAzure
    Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
    To open the **Cloud Shell** Terminal, click on the **Cloud Shell** icon on the top right side
    **Cloud Shell** wizard will open **Note:** It will take some time to get connected with the terminal.
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    **What is Cloud Shell?**\ \ Cloud Shell is a browser-based shell experience provided by Azure that enables users to manage and interact with Azure resources from anywhere using a command-line interface (CLI) or a PowerShell environment. It offers a pre-configured shell environment with commonly used tools and languages, including Azure CLI, PowerShell, and various programming languages.
    You can switch to **PowerShell** within the Cloud Shell wizard, click on the **Switch to PowerShell** button on the left side
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    **What is Powershell?**\ \ PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management framework developed by Microsoft. It consists of a command-line shell and scripting language specifically designed for system administrators and IT professionals to automate administrative tasks in Windows environments.
    **Switch to PowerShell in Cloud Shell** wizard will open, click on the **Confirm** button
    **PowerShell** is successfully connected with the terminal, type the "**Get-AzSubscription**" command to view your Azure Subscription details
    Here you can view details about your current **Azure Subscription** and its **State**
    To change the terminal to **Bash** within the Cloud Shell, click the **Switch to Bash** button on the left side
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    **What is Bash?**\ \ Bash, short for "Bourne Again Shell," is a Unix shell and command language used primarily in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It is the default shell for most Linux distributions and provides a command-line interface (CLI) for users to interact with the operating system and execute commands.
    **Switch to Bash in Cloud Shell** wizard will open, click on the **Confirm** button
    **Bash** terminal will open, type the "**az account list**" command to list the Azure Account details
    You can view the **Azure Account** details in the **JSON** format
    To view the details in the **Table** format type the "**az account list --output table**" command
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    Congratulations on completing this lab and Playing with Azure-Portal, PowerShell,CLI,Cloud Shell! Good Job!