Playing with Machine Images | Scribe

Playing with Machine Images

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 10 steps |
  • 20 seconds
  • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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Refer to this guide to learn how to create a Virtual Machine in GCP\ <>
Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
Type "**VM intances"** in the search bar and click on the **VM intances** option
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**What are VM intances?**\ \ VM instances (Virtual Machine instances) are virtualized computing environments that run on physical hardware. They simulate a complete computer system, allowing multiple VMs to run on a single physical server. Each VM instance operates independently with its own operating system, applications, and resources.
**VM instances** wizard will open **Note:** Make sure the VM Instance status is up and running.
To create a new machine image, on the right side click on the three dots widget and select the option **Create new machine image**
**Create a machine image** wizard will open, give the Name as - "**my-first-machine-image**"
Scroll to the **Location** section and select the option **Multi-regional**
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**What is Multi-regional location?** \ \ A multi-regional location refers to a geographic setup in cloud computing where data and services are distributed across multiple regions, typically within a specific continent or globally. This setup enhances data redundancy, availability, and resilience by ensuring that the data is stored and accessible from several locations, reducing the risk of downtime or data loss due to regional failures.
Scroll to the **Encryption** section and select the option **Google-managed encryption key**
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**What is Google-managed encryption key?**\ \ A Google-managed encryption key is an encryption key that Google Cloud automatically creates, manages, and uses to protect your data. It simplifies security management by handling key rotation, storage, and access control on your behalf, ensuring that your data is securely encrypted at rest without requiring you to manage the encryption keys directly.
Scroll the page and click on the **CREATE** button
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Congratulations you have successfully created Machine Image
On the **Machine images** wizard select the Name **my-first-machine-image**
To create an **instance** using the machine image, on the right side click on the three dots widget and click on the **Create instance** option **Note:** Creation of the new VM Instance using the Machine Image will take some time and it will be reflected on the VM Instances dashboard once its done.
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