Playing with MySQL Server in Azure | Scribe

Playing with MySQL Server in Azure

  • Hafeez Baig |
  • 22 steps |
  • 2 minutes
  • AzureAzure
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Refer to this guide to learn how to create a MySQL Server in Azure<>
Sign in into the **Microsoft Azure Portal**
Type **Azure Database for MySQL server** in the search bar and click on the **Azure Database for MySQL server**
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**What is Azure Database for MySQL server ?**\ \ Azure Database for MySQL server is a fully managed database service that offers scalable, secure, and high-performance MySQL database management with built-in features like automated backups, patching, and monitoring.
On the **Azure Database for MySQL servers** wizard, click on the Name **mysqldtabasein28min**
Click on the **Networking** from the left bar to configure Networking details
Scroll to the **Firewall rules** section and tick the checkbox **Note:** This will allow public access from any Azure service within to this server
Click on the **Add current client IP address** link **Note:** This will add your current IP address to the firewall rule, allowing only this IP to access the MySQL server.
Click on the **Save** button on the top left side to update the changes
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Congratulations on successfully configuring the networking for the MySQL server!
To connect to your MySQL Server, click on the **Connect** from the left bar
Scroll to the **Connect from browser or locally** section and click on the copy widget to copy the command
To connect the MySQL via Azure Cloud shell, click on the **Azure Cloud shell** widget on the top right side
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**What is Azure Cloud Shell?**\ \ Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive, browser-based shell that provides command-line access to Azure resources. It includes tools for managing Azure resources using either Bash or PowerShell, enabling easy administration and automation directly from the Azure portal.
**Azure Cloud Shell** wizard will open, wait for the Cloud shell to get connect successfully
On the **Azure Cloud shell** wizard, paste the copied command and enter the password for the MySQL Server **Note:** This password is the one you created when setting up the MySQL server in Azure
**You are successfully connected to your MySQL Server**
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Congratulations on successfully connecting to the MySQL server using Azure Cloud Shell!
To create a database named "**todos**" in the MySQL, type the command "**create database todos;**"
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**What is a "create database todos;" query?**\ \ The query `CREATE DATABASE todos;` is an SQL command used to create a new database named "todos" in a MySQL database management system.