Playing with gsutil - Cloud Storage from Command Line | Scribe

    Playing with gsutil - Cloud Storage from Command Line

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 14 steps |
    • 37 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
    Sign in to the **Google Cloud Console**
    On the top right corner click on the **Cloud Shell** widget
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    **What is Cloud Shell?**\ \ **Cloud Shell** is a web-based terminal provided by Google Cloud that offers a pre-configured environment with tools and utilities to manage Google Cloud resources directly from your browser.
    **Cloud Shell Terminal** horizontal wizard will open, on the right side click on the **Open in new window** wizard
    Wait for the Cloud Shell machine to be provisioned
    **Cloud Shell Editor** wizard will open
    Go back to the **Google Cloud console** tab
    Click on the **in28minutes-project-4** dropdown wizard
    **Select a project** wizard will open, copy the **ID** of the Name **in28minutes-project-4**
    Go back to the **Cloud Shell** tab
    Type the command "**gcloud config set project in28minutes-project-4**"
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    **What is command "gcloud config set project in28minutes-project-4"?**\ \ The command `gcloud config set project in28minutes-project-4` sets the default Google Cloud project for the `gcloud` command-line tool to `in28minutes-project-4`. This means that subsequent `gcloud` commands will operate on resources within this specified project unless another project is explicitly mentioned.
    **Authorize Cloud Shell** wizard will open, click on the **Authorize** button
    Type the command "**gsutil mb gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new**" **Note:** The bucket name should be unique.
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    **What is command "gsutil mb gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new"?**\ \ The command `gsutil mb gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new` creates a new Google Cloud Storage bucket named `my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new`. The `mb` stands for "make bucket," and `gs://` is the URI scheme used to reference Google Cloud Storage resources. This command initializes the bucket with the specified name in your Google Cloud project.
    The creation of bucket will initialize **Note:** It will take sometime for bucket creation.
    Type the command "**gsutil ls gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new**" **Note:** This command will list all the contents of the bucket.
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    **What is command "gsutil ls gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new"?** The command `gsutil ls gs://my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new` is used to list the contents of a specific Google Cloud Storage bucket named `my_bucket_in28minutes_shell_new`. By executing this command, you can view all the files and subdirectories within the bucket, helping you easily check what is stored there.
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