Position Funding Entry: Adding New Position Funding (Basic, Unrestricted) | Scribe

    Position Funding Entry: Adding New Position Funding (Basic, Unrestricted)

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 26 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Want to see the instructions while you walk through a transaction? Add the [**Scribe Chrome extension**](https://get.scribehow.com/install-extension/) (for Chrome browsers only), then click the **Guide Me** button as you hover over Step 1.


    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Select the **General Ledger Administration** homepage, if you default into the Workforce Administration homepage.
    Select the **General Ledger Administration** homepage, if you default into the Workforce Administration homepage.
    Select the **General Ledger Tasks** tile.
    On the left side navigation panel, click into the **Funding** folder.
    Select the **Funding Entry** page.
    If you would like, close the left side navigation panel by clicking the black icon.
    To enter a new Funding Entry transaction, scroll to the right side of the page and click the **Add a New Value** button. *Note: if you would like to search for Funding Entry transactions, you can search using this Existing Value page.*

    Search and Select Position

    **Add in the following information for your Funding Entry:** - Department - Fiscal Year - Position Number *Note: Leave the default values for Request ID, Set ID, and Budget Level.* Click **Add.**

    Add New Position Funding

    **You have landed on the Funding Entry page.** 1. If this is a filled position, you will see incumbent information in the **Job Data Snapshot** section. 2. If there is already position funding for this position, you will see that information in the **Earnings Distribution** section. *In our example, no position funding has been entered for this position yet.*
    If you scroll to the right side of the page, you can see how many Funding Entries there for this position. *In our example, there are no Funding Entries for this position yet.*

    TIP! Updating Funding Entry

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    ***Tip!*** You can update position funding even if there are already one or more Funding Entries for that position. Updates may include: - a simple line change, - multiple line changes, - the addition of distribution rows, - or the deletion of existing rows. **DECISION TIME!** Where to add the update? **If there is already a row in FE, decide where your row needs to go - this should be based on the Effective Date of the FE you are trying to enter. You need to make sure you add your new FE row in chronological order.** 1. If you need to add a FE above the most recent FE row\*, click the plus button above the current FE row. 2. If you need to add a FE between two FE rows, click the plus button above the row you want to add your FE row on top of. 3. If you need to add a FE before the earliest row, you must utilize the E-703 Funding Upload to complete the funding entry. *\*If you add a row with the same Effective Date as an existing row, the Effective Sequence number will increase by 1.*

    Add Distribution Rows

    Enter the **Funding Effective Date**. This is when the position funding will become active and attached to the position. *Note: both the position and chartstring/Full Accounting Unit (FAU) must be effective on or before your Funding Effective Date.*
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    ***WARNING!*** Only enter **ONE** Effective Date per transaction. The system cannot handle multiple effective dates on a single Funding Entry transaction.