Position Management: Add New Position | Scribe

    Position Management: Add New Position

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 0 step |
    • 3 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Screenshot of the UCPath Online landing page with the "PeopleSoft Homepage" button highlighted.
    Click the **Position Management** tile.
    Screenshot of the Workforce Administration Homepage with the "Position Management" tile highlighted.
    From the left side Navigation Pane, click the **Position Control Request** page.
    Screenshot of the Add/Update Position Info landing page with the "Position Control Request" page highlighted.
    Click the **Add New Position** radio dial.
    Screenshot of the Position Control Request page with the "Add New Position" radio dial highlighted.
    Click the **Next** button.
    Screenshot of the Position Control Request page with the "Next" button highlighted.

    Description Tab

    Add your **Effective Date.**
    Screenshot of the "Description" tab with the "Effective Date" field highlighted.
    Tip! **Effective Date** is a **critical field** that determines when the position is vacant and available to be hired into. A useful best practice is to **backdate the position by one month** of the expected hire date to allow for updates to the position, if necessary.
    Add the **Job Code**. *Note: several fields will automatically fill in once the job code is entered.*
    Screenshot of the "Description" tab with the "Job Code" field highlighted.
    Tip! Use the magnifying glass lookup icon if you are unsure what the 6-digit job code is. You can search by Job Code or Description, and you can change the search parameters from 'begins with' to **'contains'** for a wider search result.
    Screenshot of the Job Code lookup.
    Choose **Variable** or **Fixed** from the Full/Part Time drop-down menu.
    Screenshot of the "Description" tab with the "Full/Part Time" field highlighted.
    **Full/Part Time** is a **critical field** that affects accruals and holiday hours. It is easy to miss, so be vigilant and double-check!
    Add the position's **Department.** *Note: location will automatically fill in once Department is entered. You can overwrite the location if incorrect.*
    Screenshot of the "Description" tab with the "Department" field highlighted.
    **Location** is a critical field for represented employees. This information must be accurate to ensure compliance with **CA Law AB-119.**
    Add the supervisor position number in the **Reports To** field.
    Screenshot of the "Description" tab with the "Reports To" field highlighted.
    Add the **Salary Admin Plan.** For the **Salary Admin Plan,** you may type in the code, or you may use the magnifying glass lookup icon to select.
    Select the **Salary Grade.** For the **Salary Grade,** you may type in the code, or you may use the magnifying glass lookup icon to select.
    0 Selected
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