Position Management: Copy an Existing Position | Scribe
Position Management: Copy an Existing Position
Avry Schellenbach |
19 steps |
2 minutes
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Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
Click the **Position Management** tile.
From the left side Navigation Pane, click the **Position Control Request** page.
Click the **Add New Position** radio dial.
Even though we are going to copy position information from an existing position, we are still using that information to create a new position.
Click the **Next** button.
Description Tab
To copy an existing position, click the **Initialize** button.
**Tip!** You will need the **Position Number** for the position you want to copy. You will also need the specific **Effective Date** corresponding to the slice of time in the position's history that you want to copy.
Use the **Add/Update Information** page to search for those details.
Refer to the [Position Management: Search for and View Position Information ](https://scribehow.com/shared/Position_Management_Search_for_and_View_Position_Information__SnlnSKooQEi80cy-QsN19w?referrer=workspace)job aid for step-by-step guidance.
Enter in the **Position Number** and **Effective Date** of the position you want to copy from.
**Alert!** Most, but not all, fields will copy over from the position you selected.
Double-check all fields are correct for the new position you are creating and ensure you make any changes necessary.
Add your **Effective Date.**
Tip! **Effective Date** is a **critical field** that determines when the position is vacant and available to be hired into.
A useful best practice is to **backdate the position by one month** of the expected hire date to allow for updates to the position, if necessary.
In our example, we need to update the **Reports To** position number to the Head Coach 5 position.
Specific Information Tab
**Tip!** Ensure you touch every tab and check every field for accuracy.
Click on the **Specific Information** tab.
Click into **FTE** field and make any necessary adjustments.
In our example, we also want to adjust the **FTE** from .2 to **.4.**