Position Management: Update Vacant Position | Scribe

    Position Management: Update Vacant Position

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 22 steps |
    • 6 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Click the **Position Management** tile.
    From the left side Navigation Pane, click the **Position Control Request** page.
    Click the **Update Vacant Position** radio dial button.
    Click the **Next** button.

    Search + Select Vacant Position

    This will open you up to a **Vacant Position** search page. Enter your selected search criteria to find vacant positions. **Position Number** is the unique identifier for this search.
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    **Alert!** The **Effective Date** will default to today's system date. The Effective Date entered on this search page will be the Effective Date of your Vacant Position Update transaction. The search will only pull up vacant positions as of the Effective Date inputted. If you do not see the specific position you are looking for, it may be that it is **not vacant** as of the Effective Date entered.
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    **Tip!** In order to use the **Department** and **Job Code** fields, enter **BKCMP** as the Business Unit.
    Once you have entered in your desired search criteria, click the **Search** button.
    Find the position you would like to update and click the **Select** button.
    Once you have selected your position, in the Position Control Request, you need to: 1. Select a [Reason code](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utKBWPYhskE6daun0hbriA91o8JLQHFv/view?usp=sharing) (that best describes the update) 2. Make your update/s (change the necessary field values) 3. Attach Documents as necessary 4. Save and submit
    Select your **Reason** for the position update from the magnifying glass lookup icon, or by entering the Reason Code in the field. Then simply make the change to the corresponding field/s and save and submit.
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    Tip! For possible Action Reason Codes explore the [Job Aid: Position Management | Reason Codes](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utKBWPYhskE6daun0hbriA91o8JLQHFv/view).

    Ex: Inactive a Position

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    **EXAMPLE:** Let's practice how to **Inactive** a position where there are **no plans to refill.**
    For our **Reason**, we will select **Inactive - No Plan to Refill** from the lookup menu.