Posting Itineraries | Scribe

Posting Itineraries

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  • WetuWetu

Posting an Itinerary or Component

To Post a Wetu itinerary, open your Itinerary Browser and click on the Itinerary that you would like to Post. An expanded options menu will appear. Select 'Post'.
**Note:** You can post Personal and Sample Itineraries, Day Tours as well as Components.
Enter the email address of the person you would like to send the itinerary to and select 'Yes, Post'.
A pop up will appear to confirm that the itinerary has been sent.
**Note:** If you wish to send an itinerary to someone in the same account as yours, rather use the Transfer function. For more information on how to Transfer an Itinerary, refer to the article [How to Transfer Itineraries and Components](

Receiving an Itinerary or Component

If a Wetu Itinerary or Component has been posted to you, you will receive an email notification from Wetu.
Click on the link in the email and you will be prompted to either View the Itinerary, Log in or Register.*
As an existing user, you can log in and your Itinerary browser page will open, with the received Itinerary at the top of the list. 
**Note:** The Itinerary is now in your account as one of your Itineraries and you can edit it as you wish. It is in no way linked to the Itinerary that was Posted to you in the other users' account and any changes that you make will only change on your version of the Itinerary. 
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