Preparing for Statements: Reviewing 18+ on Family Statement | Scribe

    Preparing for Statements: Reviewing 18+ on Family Statement

    • Chuck Robinson |
    • 7 steps |
    • 22 seconds
    • PtdiocesePtdiocese
    **Review: 18+ on Family Statement** is to see which families have a statement but also have an 18+ year old in the household. This may be another type of person such as "Other Adult". Also be sure that you have HoHs marked as married using the Add/Edit Family tool if they are married. If they are not, you need to change the statement to an individual statement and not a family statement. *Remember, those over 18 are usually considered independent by the IRS and should receive their own statements (exceptions do apply but check with the family).*
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    It looks like there were not 18+ member records within the 2023 statements for this church. That's great! If you do see records for this year (which, again, reflects last year's giving), then please review the 18+ year old in that house. More than likely they should be in their own household even when living under the same roof.