Alert! In this example, a transaction is used. You are able to utilize this feature for documents associated with an agent, listing, and/or transaction.
Locate the Transaction File & scroll to the bottom of page, and click "Print Document Log."
Zoom Saved
Here is a snippit of the Document Log.
Zoom Saved
Generating a Link to the Document Log Page
Click "Share Link."
Zoom Saved
Click here.
Zoom Saved
Click "copy" to the right of the link to save the link to your clipboard.
Zoom Saved
Click "Close."
Zoom Saved
Tip! To deactivate the sharable link, re-click the Share Link button and select "Off - Stop Sharing."
Zoom Saved
Download Files
Click "Download File." NOTE: The document will open in a new window where you are able to download and/or print the document.
Zoom Saved
Alert! Not all will have an attached file ready for download.
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key