Print or Download Purchase Orders Created Via a SAP Electronic Requisition - SAP Transaction ZPO_Print | Scribe

    Print or Download Purchase Orders Created Via a SAP Electronic Requisition - SAP Transaction ZPO_Print

    • Gwen Hall-DiFabio |
    • 4 steps |
    • 17 seconds
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      Business units can view, print, or download copies of the purchase order SAP sends to vendors directly in SAP for Duke's most commonly used purchase orders using ZPO_Print. ZPO_Print will include the following types of purchase orders with the numbers sequences below created on January 1, 2024 or later: - Regular one-time acquisition - 452xxxxxxx - 459xxxxxxx -special handling - Supports manual replenishing of inventory items - 627xxxxxxx - Bill-only - 850xxxxxxx - Framework - 460xxxxxxx
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      Business units cannot access Buy@Duke purchase orders via this transaction. Copies of those purchase orders are available in Buy@Duke.
      Enter the transaction ZPO_Print in the command field or add the transaction to your favorites. The transaction is not available in the User Menu. Select Enter on your keyboard or the Execute button if you use the command field. If you add the transaction to your favorites, double-click on the transaction.
      In the **Purchasing Document,** field enter the purchase order number.
      Select **Execute.**
      High-light the line that includes the purchase order and then select from the following options: - Display PO displays a PDF version of the purchase order on your screen. You cannot download or print from this view. - Print PO will print the purchase order to your installed SAP printer. - Download PO will allow you to download a PDF of the purchase and save it to your computer. Once downloaded, you can print the purchase order as you would any other PDF.
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      While SAP will allow you to print for this look-up, the Print PO buttons will require you to be connected directly to an SAP local printer. Unless you are familiar with that setting and use it routinely, the best practice is to download the PDF of the purchase order and then print it as you would any other PDF.
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      If you choose to download the PO, a PDF will download that uses the PO number as the name of the PDF.