Navigate to [ProQuest]( create a search, or choose a specific database within the ProQuest platform to search eg. *Social Science Premium Collection*.
Zoom Saved
Mark the individual record you wish to export to EndNote using the **check box** to the left of the record.
Zoom Saved
Click on the **ellipsis** (3 dots) top of results.
Zoom Saved
Click on the **EndNote** icon under Citation Export.
Zoom Saved
You can choose to click the "Deselect items when done" field.
Zoom Saved
You may also have to click the reCAPTCHA tool.
Zoom Saved
Click "Continue" to export the RIS file to EndNote.
Zoom Saved
Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.
Bulk Export
ProQuest databases have a facility for exporting up to 10,000 citations at once into EndNote, but you will need to create a My Research account first if you don't already have an existing one.
Navigate to [ProQuest]( and create a search, or choose a specific database within the ProQuest platform eg. *Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals* to search.
Zoom Saved
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and change the number of **items per page** displayed from the default 20 to 100.
Zoom Saved
Select 1-100 results.
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They will be added to the folder at the top of your screen.
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Scroll to the bottom of the page to select the next page of results.
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Select 101-200 - the next set of results. Repeat until all of your results are selected.
Zoom Saved
Choose "Sign into My Research" when you click on the **person** icon.
Zoom Saved
Click here.
Zoom Saved
Click your folder of results.
Zoom Saved
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key