QGIS Georeferencing Tutorial 2: Adding a Google reference map | Scribe

    QGIS Georeferencing Tutorial 2: Adding a Google reference map

    • Alabama Digital Humanities Center |
    • 6 steps |
    • 19 seconds

      Adding your Google Map

      Right-click on the XYZ Tiles section and select "New Connection…"
      Right-click on the XYZ Tiles section and select "New Connection…"
      Type "Google Maps" into the Name section.
      Right-click and paste the URL below into the URL section.\ \ [**https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}**](https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x=%7Bx%7D&y=%7By%7D&z=%7Bz%7D)
      Right-click and paste the URL below into the URL section.\
      Double-click on the Google Maps under the XYZ Tile section to add it to your Map View.
      In the QGIS search bar, type "> University of Alabama".\ Double-click on the search result to zoom the map to our study area.
      In the QGIS search bar, type "> University of Alabama".\
Double-click on the search result to zoom the map to our study area.
      The final result should look like this