Quick Quote | Scribe

Quick Quote

  • 2 minutes
  • DoubleclickDoubleclick
  • Info-PartnersInfo-Partners
Since this tool requires minimal information to generate a quote, it’s not recommended to use this tool for travelers who fall under [Health Declaration C](https://qc.bluecross.ca/partner-guide/procedures_en/hd), including: - customers aged 55 to 59 traveling for 18 days or more - customers aged 60 and above, regardless of trip length These travelers are required to complete a Health Declaration, which includes a Medical Questionnaire to assess their personal risk factors and provide a tailored premium. Since the Quick Quote doesn't consider personal health and lifestyle factors, it may only offer a general estimate, which could be inaccurate.
Click **"Quick Quote"**
Indicate if the sale is by phone/email by clicking **"No".** If the customer is with you, in office, click **"Yes".**
Click the drop down many and select how many people will be travelling and securing coverage under the same Travel plan.
Click each drop down and select the age of each traveler.
Click the **"Calendar"** icons and select the **departure** and **return** dates.
Alternatively, if you only know the length of the trip, you can generate a **Quick Quote** by indicating the trip duration (i.e. 30 days).
**Tip!** Keep an eye out for "linked text" throughout the quote and application tools. Simply hover over these links to access helpful tips and guidance as you navigate through the quote and application process.
Click **"Continue"** to proceed.
On the **Available Products** screen, choose coverages based on the customer's specific needs and budget. 1. The [deductible](https://qc.bluecross.ca/partner-guide/procedures_en/deductible) refers to the amount the customer will be responsible for in event of a claim. It defaults to $0, but you can select a different deductible from the drop-down menu to fit the customer’s preference. 2. Click the "linked text" to view a pop-up with an overview of the benefits included in each available product or package. 3. Select product and customize coverage (*if appliable).* For additional details on available products and coverage, please refer to the [Partner Guide.](https://qc.bluecross.ca/partner-guide) 4. Explore additional purchase options by clicking the available drop-down menus. Once selected, the **product** and coverage options will turn **blue**, indicating they are being applied for. **Note:** Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Air Flight Accident benefits *must* be purchased as a package. Click **"continue"** to proceed through to the application.
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