Quote/Issue - Baggage (Stand-Alone) | Scribe

    Quote/Issue - Baggage (Stand-Alone)

    • 36 seconds
    • Info-PartnersInfo-Partners
    [Baggage Insurance](https://qc.bluecross.ca/partner-guide/products-coverages/baggage) protects customers against delay, loss, theft or damage to their baggage during the trip. The amount of coverage for all benefits is **$1,500 per trip per insured person.**

    Quote - Trip Information

    Click **"Quote / Issue"**
    Click "Sale by phone/email: Yes No"
    Click the **"Calendar"** icons and select the **departure** and **return** dates.
    Choose the destination from the drop-down menu. If the trip includes multiple destinations, select **"Multiple"** from the drop-down menu or choose the location where the insureds will spend the majority of their time.
    1. Complete the required fields for *all* travelers. 2. To remove an individual from the quote/application, click the icon under **Action** beside the name of the person you wish to delete or remove from the application. Click **"Continue"** to proceed.

    Quote - Declaration of Eligibility

    A **"Warning Notice"** will appear, indicating that you have reached the eligibility questions of the application. The eligibility questions (Knockout questions) are automatically generated for all travelers aged **55 and over.** Click **"Close"** to continue.
    1. These questions are automatically generated for travelers subject to Health Declaration B & C. A **"Yes"** response to any of these questions will render the traveler ineligible for coverage. 2. It is crucial that these questions are answered properly. Click the **radio button** to confirm.\ (*If the customer has any concerns or is unsure how to respond, they should consult their attending physician.)* 3. Click **"Continue"** to proceed

    Quote - Available Products

    1. When purchasing Baggage Insurance as a stand-alone product select **"Individual"** then select **"Baggage ($1500)".** For additional details on available products and coverage, please refer to the [Partner Guide.](https://qc.bluecross.ca/partner-guide) 2. Once selected, the **product** and coverage options will turn **blue**, indicating they are being applied for. Click **"Continue"** to proceed.

    Summary of Contract

    1. Click the **"+"** to expand the list of insured individuals and review their details to ensure all travelers are correctly included in the policy. 2. Verify the benefits and coverages selected. 3. Review the total policy premium. 4. Tick the **checkbox** to confirm that you have reviewed the Flight Delay Service benefits with the customer. Click **"Continue"** to proceed.

    Confirmation of the Insured

    1. Complete the required **Home Address** and **Mailing Address** fields. 2. Enter the customer's email address. *(If the customer does not have an email address, you may use your advisor email. Note that if a medical questionnaire is required, the underwriting outcomes will be sent to the email address entered in this field.)* 3. Click the **radio button** to "**Confirm having obtained the customer's consent...**" if using your advisor or agency’s email address. Alternatively, select the **radio button** for **"I don't have to obtain this consent since the contract information will be sent directly to my customer."** 4. Click **"Continue"** to proceed to the payment screen, or select **"Save Quote"** to save the quotation for 30 days.


    1. Click [**"Refund policy"**](https://skbluecross.info-partners.ca/b2b/pdf/Refund-of-premium-sbc.pdf) to review the refund policy with the customer. 2. Travel Plan purchases must be completed using a credit card. Cash, debit, or cheque payments for travel policy sales should be deposited directly by your office, including any personal cheques from clients. Advisors or brokerages may use their corporate credit card to complete the Travel Policy application and process the premium payment.

    Sale Confirmation & Policy Documentation

    The policy confirmation page will be displayed. You may save this page for your records or print a copy for the customer(s). The customer will also receive the policy information via email, sent to the email address provided in the application. To access the policy certificate, the customer must enter a password, which is the birthdate (YYYY/MM/DD) of the oldest person listed on the contract. Return to the Travel Portal dashboard by clicking **"Back to menu".**