**Alert! Roles:**
- **RFI Administrator:** The RFI Administrator is typically the construction manager / general contractor. The RFI Administrator can provide the answer or issue the question to the Answer Administrator to provide the answer. The RFI Administrator approves and distributes the answer or rejects the answer, which returns the RFI back to the Answer Administrator for a revised answer until the answer is accepted by the RFI Administrator.
- **Answer Administrator:** The Answer Administrator is typically the architect or engineer of record on a project. The Answer Administrator can request input from others (For Answer Input role) to assist with providing the answer back to the RFI Administrator.
- **For Answer Input:** For Answer input is typically the engineer of record, other engineers and/or consultants on a project depending on the nature of the question. For Answer Input can provide input to answer the question as well as suggest the answer to the Answer Administrator.
- **Answer Distribution:** This is the distribution list for the accepted answer.