RSR Update: Health Services Narrative Labels | Scribe

    RSR Update: Health Services Narrative Labels

    • 4 steps
    Select the subcategories that received Medicaid dollars. In our example, we will select "FTE/Contracted Personnel" & "Equipment/Material/Supplies."
    Screenshot showing a Formsite form.
    Similar to the expenditure items, once you select a subcategory, it will populate the narratives label like in the example below.
    Screenshot showing the Formsite selected textbox and the narrative labels.
    In our example, we selected "FTE/Contracted Personnel" & "Equipment/Material/Supplies." In the example below, you can see the labels are now visible. These can be copied and pasted as labels in the Category-Specific Narrative information like in the example in the next step.
    Screenshot showing the Formsite labels and a user  highlighting the labels..
    Once pasted in the narrative box, go ahead and enter your narrative for each of the subcategories.
    Screenshot showing the labels being pasted in the narrative portion of the form.
    information ordinal icon
    Please contact the CDE School Health Services Consultant if you have any questions.