Reassign devices | Scribe

    Reassign devices

    • 6 steps |
    • 21 seconds
    • RzilientRzilient
    alert ordinal icon
    Only accessories (screens, keyboards...) or any manually added equipment (laptop, tablet or smarphone) that hasn't been enrolled to any MDM tool can be instantaneously reassigned through the platform.\ For any enrolled device, check out this Q&A: <>
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Employees"
    Click on the number of devices of a given employee
    Click on the name of the employee to display the dropdown menu
    Click on the person you want to reassign the device to
    Once you've found the device, click on the dropdown menu and choose the employee who'll be using this device
    Once you've found the device, click on the dropdown menu and choose the employee who'll be using this device