Register for 2023 NC FCCLA Fall Leadership Meeting | Scribe

    Register for 2023 NC FCCLA Fall Leadership Meeting

    • Catherine Lewis |
    • 36 steps
    • RegistermychapterRegistermychapter
    Login to the FCCLA Portal - <>
    Click the "Meetings\ & Events" tab.
    Click Fall Leadership Meeting event you plan to attend.
    A complete overview of the event, and steps to register, will appear. Scroll to the bottom of the registration information to find the different registration options available. - Register Advisers - Use this button to register advisers **who are listed on an affiliation invoice** at the time of registration. They will have a pending or affiliated status. - Register Students - Use this button to register students **who are listed on an affiliation invoice** at the time of registration. They will have a pending or affiliated status. - Register Guests - Use this button to register students, advisers, chaperones, bus drivers, etc. **who are not listed on an affiliation invoice** at the time of registration.

    Register Affiliated Advisers

    Click the "Register Advisers" button to register advisers who are listed on an affiliation invoice, with either a pending or affiliated status. If an adviser is not listed on an affiliation invoice, please follow the steps to register them as a guest.
    Select the adviser(s) you wish to register and click the black "Continue" button.
    **Verify adviser information.** All fields highlighted in red are required. - Email - Cell Phone - For use in emergencies only. - Classification - Chapter Adviser - Badge Title - Chapter Adviser - First Time Attendee - select yes or no based on their prior attendance of a Fall Leadership Meeting with NC FCCLA.
    Indicate if the adviser has any special accommodations for the conference. This includes any dietary restrictions that will be needed to aid in the selection of lunch offerings for the event. Select the FCCLA Career Pathway the adviser's courses are mostly aligned with. If you are unsure, you may select "General FCS". Confirm that the Fall Leadership Meeting Registration appears correct and click the black "Next" button.
    **Select Items** 1. State-Wide Service Project Donation Items - The 22-23 SEC is challenging chapters to select a donation item to bring to the Fall Leadership Meeting. Chapters would be expected to bring 50 of the item(s) they selected during registration to the Fall Leadership Meeting. Collected item(s) will be used during the meeting for members to pack care bags to be donated to a local hospitality home. 2. NC FCCLA Pre-Purchased Items - State-branded polos will be available for pre-purchase. Advisers should request the quantity needed for each size during their registration. Polo's are $25.00 each. These item categories are not available during student registration and must be completed with the adviser registration.
    Click the "STATE-WIDE SERVICE PROJECT DONATION ITEMS" category to expand the donation item options. To select an item, click the checkbox and indicate "1" in the "Quantity" field. If your chapter wishes to participate in this challenge, please select items early, as these will be on a first-come-first-serve basis and items will not be able to be selected multiple times. Chapters may select more than one item, however, you will be expected to bring a quantity of 50 of each item selected to the meeting.
    Click the "PRE-PURCHASE NC FCCLA ITEMS" category to expand the available pre-purchase items. To select an item, click the checkbox and indicate the quantity needed in the "Quantity" field. Chapters will be invoiced at $25.00 per polo requested.
    When finished adding items to the chapter registration, please confirm the total amount at the bottom of the screen. If the total does not reflect the amount expected, please review item selections before continuing to the next step of the registration process. If the total is correct, or you do not wish to add items to the registration, click the black "Next" button.
    **Volunteer Opportunities** Using the dropdown box, indicate if the adviser is willing to serve as a volunteer for State-Level Competitive Events held at this specific Fall Leadership Meeting. If they **do** wish to volunteer, select "yes" and the screen will expand with additional information needed. If they **do not** wish to volunteer, select "no" and click the black "Next" button.
    If they do wish to volunteer, select their volunteering preference and rank their **top 3** event choices. If they would like to include any additional information, please also include that in the text box provided. Click the black "Next" button.
    **Review and Finish** The last registration screen will give you an overview of the registration for this adviser. Review their registration and ensure that all information and items are correct. Confirm the amount of registration. If items are incorrect, click the "Previous" button to go back to the section that needs to be updated. If items are correct, click the "Finish" button. This does **not** submit their registration for the event. This **only** adds their name to the chapter registration roster. Please ensure that the steps to submit registration are followed to ensure the chapter is registered for the event.

    Register Students

    Click the "Register Students" button to register students who are listed on an affiliation invoice, with either a pending or affiliated status. If a student is not listed on an affiliation invoice, please follow the steps to register them as a guest.
    Select the studet(s) you wish to register and click the black "Continue" button.
    Review the "Name Verification" information on the pop-up. If the student's name is misspelled, click the black "Submit Name Change" button and submit an updated spelling of their names. The instructions are listed on the pop-up and can also be downloaded by clicking the "Download Name Change Instructions" If the student's name is spelled correctly, click the black "Ok" button.