Register for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam | Scribe

    Register for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 10 steps |
    • 59 seconds

    Search for **AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate** in any browser Click on the first link with the domain address - [[]]


    Click on the **Schedule an exam** button on the landing page


    You will be redirected to the **AWS Certification** website


    Click on **SIGN IN** button


    It will prompt you to choose a sign-in method: **Create or Sign** in with an existing **AWS Builder ID** or use **Organization SSO** Click on **Create or Sign in** button


    You can sign up for a new **AWS Builder ID** by entering your email address


    Clicking the **Next** button will allow you to create a new **AWS Builder ID**, enabling you to register for the exam


    If you already have an existing **AWS Builder ID**, you can sign in directly by clicking on the **Already have AWS Builder ID? Sign In** button


    On the **Sign-in with AWS Builder ID** prompt, enter your registered email address to sign in to your **AWS Builder ID**


    Click the **Next** button to enter your password and sign in to your **AWS Builder ID**. Then, you can proceed to register for the **AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam**

    information ordinal icon

    Congratulations on completing the lab and registering for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam! Good job!