Registering a Returning Camper for Camp | Scribe

    Registering a Returning Camper for Camp

    • Cub Creek Office |
    • 22 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • CampwiseCampwise
    • CubcreeksciencecampCubcreeksciencecamp
    Navigate to <>
    Click "REGISTER for CUB CREEK"
    Login to your Campwise account and click "Login".
    Click "Register (New)" next to the camper you want to add a new session to.
    Select the check box next to the session you're wanted to enroll in. You can quickly see if the session is still available by clicking the "Available" button.
    Click "Save/Next" once you've selected the session(s) you're wanting.
    Select or add contacts for at least Guardian 1 and Emergency contact. If you get an error select "edit contact" and it will take you to the error. If you don't have contacts put in at all select "Add New Contact". Once you have all contacts added select "Save/Next".
    The next thing it asks for is a billing contact. You can use the drop down to select an already established contact or select "Add New Contact". Once you have the correct contact in you'll have to press "Save". Then Click "Save/Next".
    If you register prior to April 1st these sections will be blank as forms aren't required until April 1st. You can access the forms from your Dashboard under "forms" if you'd like to complete them early. Once April 1st passes you will have to complete these forms prior to completing your registration. Then click "Save/Next".
    The next step is adding medication your camper may be taking while at camp. If your camper is not taking any medications, select "No". If your camper will be taking medications, select "Yes". Refer to "adding medications" walk through for how to add your medications. This step does not have to be completed now and can be completed later from your dashboard. Once done select "Save/Next".
    If you would like to add cabin mates, camp store money, do activity selections, or add transportation we recommend you select "Yes I do" and do these now. If you would like to take care of these later you can select "No, I don't. Take me to the next step.". You can always do these later from your dashboard.
    If you select "Yes, I do". You can manage different options by selecting the buttons to the right.
    If you would like to add cabin mate requests for your camper please enter the requested campers first and last name. You do not have to add the parent email if you don't know it. We try and meet every cabin mate request that we can. In the case that the cabin mate request cannot be met you will be contacted prior to arriving to camp. Please only put one name per line. \ Click "Save/Next"
    If you'd like to add money to your camper's camp store account or purchase a flash drive select "Manage additional charges". From here you can add the recommended $50 to their account. If you'd like to add a different amount please contact us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or 573-458-2125. You can also purchase digital and physical flash drives. We also offer both of these options during check in and throughout the week while your camper is at camp. Once done click "Save/Next".
    Activities are an important part of camp. We ask that families pre-select your campers **Course** preferences by May 1st. We ask that each camper selects their top 4 course choices each week they'll attend camp. We try and put all campers into their top two choices, and they'll have the opportunity to switch during their camp tour on the Sunday after check-in. You can read more about each activity at the link below. Once done select "Save/Next". <>
    We ask that all families share with us how your camper will be arriving and departing camp. You can share how your camper is arriving to camp by selecting "Manage Transportation". From here you can select if you're bringing your camper or if they're flying in. Airport shuttle is available at an additional cost. You can find more information at the link below. Once done select "Save/Next". <>
    Once you've completed all necessary optional items select "Save/Next".
    If you need to add additional campers to your profile select "Register additional campers" and repeat all above steps. If you're finished adding campers/registration please Click "Make Payment." The system will take you to the \[Make Payment\] page where system will validate and prepare Campers for making payment.
    From here you can select the campers that have a balance to pay the minimum deposit. Once all campers are selected select "Process Selected Campers"
    From here you can select the amount you'd like to pay toward the camper. In order for a camper to be "registered" and have their spot secured you must pay at least the minimum non-refundable, non-transferable deposit of $100. Once you have the amount you want to pay in the boxes, selected "Save/Next".