Registering an SQS Queue as a subscriber to an SNS Topic | Scribe

    Registering an SQS Queue as a subscriber to an SNS Topic

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 27 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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    Refer to the following guide to learn how to use IAM in the cloud\ <> Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Amazon SQS Queue\ <>


    Sign in to **AWS Management Console** as an **IAM User** **Pre-requisite** - Ensure you have selected the AWS region closest to your location\ For this guide, we will be using us-east-2 (Ohio) as a preferred choice


    Type **Simple Queue Service** in the search bar and click on **Simple Queue Service** to view the **Simple Queue Service** Dashboard

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    **What is Simple Queue Service in AWS?** Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service provided by AWS. It enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications by allowing components to communicate asynchronously.


    **Amazon SQS** wizard will open, select the option **first-standard-queue**


    On the top right corner click on the **Actions** dropdown button and select the option **Subscribe to Amazon SNS topic**

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    **What does Subscribing to an Amazon SNS mean?** Subscribing to an Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) topic allows a subscriber to receive notifications or messages published on that topic. It enables users or applications to receive updates, alerts, or information in real-time based on events or messages published on the topic.


    **Subscribe to Amazon SNS topic** wizard will open, select **my-first-sns-topic** from the dropdown


    Scroll to the end of the page and click on the **Save** button


    Subscribed successfully to topic "**my-first-sns-topic**"

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    Congratulations on successfully subscribing to the Amazon SNS topic! Well done!


    To view the Topics and Publish a message, click on the **Topics** from the left bar


    **Topics** wizard will open, select the Name **my-first-sns-topic**


    On the top right side click on the **Publish message** button


    **Public message to topic** wizard will open, type "**I Want to see this message on SQS**" in the input text field


    Scroll to the **Message body** section, select the **Identical payload for all delivery protocols** radio button for **Message structure** and type "**I want to see this message on SQS**" in the Message body


    Scroll the page and click on the **Publish message** button


    Message published to topic **my-first-sns-topic** successfully

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    Congratulations on successfully publishing a message to the topic **my-first-sns-topic**! Well done!


    To view the published message, on the **Amazon SQS Queues** dashboard, click on the Name **first-standard-queue**