Registering for Courses from "Go to My Progress" | Scribe

Registering for Courses from "Go to My Progress"

  • Sara Thermer |
  • 12 steps |
  • 2 minutes
  • EllucianEllucian
  • ElluciancloudElluciancloud
  • GoodwinGoodwin
  • Microsoft LoginMicrosoft Login
Navigate to Ellucian, using the Self-Service link on the Current Students Page, or the Self-Service Icon in MyNavigator. [](
Enter your student email ID and password to sign in.
Select Student Planning from the Home Page.
Click "Go to My Progress".
Review the courses under the Requirements. This shows the remaining courses for your degree program. Click on the course you want to register for. For questions regarding selective program requirements please contact your advisor.
Click on the drop down to check the course sections. Determine which section of the course will work best for you and click ‘Add Section to Schedule.’
Review the section details to make sure this is the section of the course you want to take. Confirm the modality (online vs on-ground) and the meeting times. Click ‘Add Section’ to add the course to your schedule.
Click "Back to My Progress" and repeat steps 5 through 7 for each course you are taking next semester.
When you have finished selecting all your course sections, go to "Academics" in the top left corner of the screen. Click "Student Planning" to review your schedule.
Click "Go to Plan & Schedule"
When you have verified that everything is correct, click ‘Register’ in the course box on the left for each course you will take. The register now button at the top right will register for all courses. This will register you for ALL courses listed on the left.
Once registered, you can review the scheduled classes in the center of the screen as well as the course specific details on the left side of the screen. You can also print your schedule by clicking on 'Print'
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Woo hoo! You're now registered for classes.