Registration Instructions for Hazelwood Central | Scribe

    Registration Instructions for Hazelwood Central

    • Francesca |
    • 14 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • E-PpeE-Ppe
    Navigate to [](
    From the landing page, click Register. If you already created an account, click Log In.
    Please register with your name as a parent, email address, and create a password. MAKE CERTAIN TO SELECT YOUR ROLE AS PARENT/GUARDIAN. When you are finished, click Sign Up. (If you have multiple family members or if you have already registered, do NOT register again.) Verify email and phone number
    Once you have confirmed your email and phone number you will be prompted to add your first student.
    Add student athlete(s) to your account: On the Home page click the Add Member button on the left side of the page. (This will add your athlete to your account. You can add as many additional family members as necessary.) • Click Add Member on the left side of the page. • Enter your student athlete’s first name (and last name if different), date of birth, and gender. • Ignore Enable Login and then click Add Member. You will now see your student athlete’s name listed on the Home page.
    Click on your student athlete’s name and you’ll be directed to their Home screen.
    From the Home screen you will see a tab that says Joined Teams. To join a team, click the blue tab next to Joined Teams and a new page will open. Check the box next to the appropriate team(s) your student plans to participate on and click Done at the bottom of the page when finished.
    Complete the Personal Details section for the student athlete: 1. Click on your student athlete’s Name. Then begin completing or updating the Personal Details by clicking the Start button to the right of Personal Details. 2. Complete each section of the Personal Details section to 100% and click Save and Exit. IMPORTANT: In order for the Personal Details to be 100% complete you will need to answer all mandatory questions, marked with a red asterisk (*).
    Click Start to the right of the form. Complete all the fields with a red asterisk (*). When you have finished answering this form, click Submit. Click the blue Sign button and you will be taken to a page to create an electronic parent signature.
    Select the blue Create New Signature button.
    • With your curser on a computer or with your finger from a tablet/mobile device, create your signature or initials then click the blue Save tab. You will see your signature displayed. Select the grey Done tab underneath. Once complete, select Home near the top left of the screen. • Once you have created a parent e-signature, you will not be required to repeat this process. You will be able to apply this parent e-signature anywhere a parent esignature is required. • The forms also require an athlete’s signature.
    Click Start to the right of the form. Complete all the fields with a red asterisk (*). When you have finished answering this form, click Submit. Follow this process for the rest of the forms on your homepage.
    Click Upload Documents from your Home screen and select “Medical Eligibility Form” or "Insurance Card" depending on what is needed to be uploaded.
    Click Choose File to search and select the picture of your Insurance Card/Medical Eligibility Form. (If you are accessing this page from a mobile device, you will be prompted to take a picture or select a photo of the document from the photo album.) If not already selected, click on the drop-down next to Document Type, and use the label “Medical Eligibility Form” or "Insurance Card." Click Upload.
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    Important**: Once the required e-signatures have been applied to the necessary forms, the signed document will become available automatically for the appropriate staff member for review and approval. The Completion Status bar will turn green and indicate Submission Complete. If the status bar is still orange and indicating Submission Incomplete, hover your cursor to see what still needs to be completed. A staff member at the school will update the “Pending” or “Needs Update” Clearance Status, the status is not automatically updated.