Remove Tax on Tickets | Scribe

    Remove Tax on Tickets

    • WUSA IT |
    • 7 steps |
    • 30 seconds
    • WusaWusa
    • ScribeScribe
    **Open your event and scroll down to the created tickets.** \ ***\ Taxation is on a case by case basis*** usually WUSA events such as club events are tax free; however, **when unsure its best to double check with Accounting** before creating/ selling tickets. You can also grab the relevant account code for your ticket sales <SKU> from Accounting.
    Copy (CTRL + C) the ticket title you created
    Click "Products"
    Paste your copied ticket title into the search bar to find your tickets.
    Click "Quick Edit" on your tickets
    Locate the Tax Status section within the quick edit form. Toggle the field to add/subtract tax depending on needs of the event. As a default: All event tickets are set to Taxable.
    Click "Update" to save your edits.