Reserving your Active Kids Club Membership | Scribe

    Reserving your Active Kids Club Membership

        The first step is to add your child under your profile on MyAltea.Club! Follow the below process to do so, and repeat for any additional children.
        Navigate to []( If you are not already signed in, please select "Sign-In".
        Sign in using the Email and Password associated with your Altea Active Membership. Please note that you must have an active Altea Active Membership in order to reserve an Active Kids Club Membership.
        Upon logging in, you will be brought to the home page. Select your photo in the top right corner, and select your Profile.
        Select "Account Linking".
        To add your child's profile, select "Add New".
        Input the full legal name of your child.
        Once the full name of the child is entered, select "Create"
        Your child will now appear under your profile for Managed Accounts. If you have another child you are looking to register, please repeat the same steps to add them to your profile.
        The next step is to reserve your Active Kids Club Membership. Follow the below process to do so, and repeat for any additional children.
        Navigate to [](
        By selecting the dropdown under "Title", you may now select the appropriate Active Kids Club Membership. For your first child, please select "AKC 1st Child Founding Member (W6)", and for any additional children, select "AKC Add'l Child Founding Member (W6)".
        Diamond Members will receive a 25% discount on Founding Active Kids Club Membership Rates. To confirm whether you have a Diamond Membership, navigate to []( and confirm what membership you hold under "Active Subscriptions". If you are a Diamond Member, please select the appropriate option above.
        Once the appropriate membership has been selected, you will click "Buy For". Any children you have added will appear here. Select their name.
        You will be brought to the checkout page next. Here you can review which child you have selected the purchase for, and review your payment method at the bottom right corner. This will default to the default payment method you have on file.
        To add a new payment method, select the + sign and select Credit Card or Bank Account. You will be prompted to follow the steps through the platform.
        Next you can scroll down and hit the dropdown to read and review the Active Kids Club Agreement.
        At the bottom of the page, you will be able to sign the agreement with your mouse or finger manually. Please do not select "Generate" as these will not be accepted.
        Once signed, you will be able to select "Start Subscription".
        If you have completed the above steps, you have 1 last step until you have officially reserved your child's membership... please keep your eyes peeled on your inbox for a link to a registration form we will need you to complete for each child. If you have another child, please complete the same steps and make sure you select the appropriate pricing options for your additional child/children. Thank you!
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