Reset Your PowerDMS Password Step-By-Step | Scribe

    Reset Your PowerDMS Password Step-By-Step

    • CLW CLW |
    • 10 steps |
    • 54 seconds
    • PowerdmsPowerdms
    • ClwindsorClwindsor
    Navigate to <>- Click the link or hover here and click guide me - this will open the link and this guide in the same browser!
    The "Site Key" is clw. Then click "Continue"
    Click "Forgot Password?"
    Your username is your firstname.lastname Your email address is your Community Living Windsor email address.
    Next, you should see this screen, click the OK button.
    You will receive an email that looks like this, click on the link in the email.
    Enter the password of your choice now and then click the "Save" button.
    You may see this screen next. If you do, please click on the "Send Verification Email" button.
    You will then see this screen No need to wait for that email now. You can click the link to "verify" your email address later. Click "Continue to PowerDMS" and let's get logged in!
    That's it, you've done it, you're logged in. This is what your PowerDMS home screen will look like. If you are feeling adventurous, take a look around and click on some buttons. If you want a more guided approach, check out the rest of our PowerDMS tutorial videos or guides.