Restore Backup for Hosting Account | Scribe

    Restore Backup for Hosting Account

    • Light Touch Technologies |
    • 15 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • LttwebhostLttwebhost
    Open your Internet browser app.
    Go to website: [****](
    You are now in your **Customer Account Panel**. Click the "**SERVICES**" link in the Client Area.
    Click on your **product/service** in the list that you purchased. Our example is "Business Hosting".
    Click on the "**Log in to Plesk**" link in the Actions Cluster.
    You are now in the **Plesk Customer Hosting Panel**. Click the "**Dashboard**" tab.
    Click the "**Backup & Restore**" link on the Dashboard of your panel.
    For this example, we are needing to upload the backup from your computer's hard drive. Click the grey "**Upload**" button.
    Click on the button that says "**Choose File**". Your devices file manager dialog box appears. Navigate to where you backup is on your computer for this hosting account and click "**Open**". You will see your backup filename beside the Choose File" button.
    Click the "**Password** \*" field and type the password you used when you backed up the account earlier. It is important that you keep a record of the password for your web hosting account backups.
    Click the blue"**OK**" button to upload the backup file into the Backup Manager.
    Once in the **Backup Manager**, Click on the **date of the file just uploaded**. In our example, the filename line is "May 24, 2024 12:01 AM"
    Click the "**All objects (entire system)**" field. This will restore EVERYTHING back into your account such as email accounts and emails, website files, databases, etc. - Your whole hosting account and all of its components. If you choose "**Selected objects**", you will be given a list of components to choose from. An example would be if you only wanted to restore your website files, you would click on "**Selected objects**" radio button and choose "**Website Files**" from the drop down list that would appear. In this example, we are choosing to restore the entire hosting account with all of its components.
    Click the blue "**Restore**" button to begin the restoration process.
    After clicking on "**Restore**", you will be taken back to the **Backup Manager** and will see a **spinning circle** at the top of the page above the list of backups. This means that the restore is working. Once it is done restoring, you will see a **green box** appear that says the restore is successful or a **tan box** saying that the restore is successful, but contains errors. Click the link in the box that says "**Close message**".