Completing the Review Step for a Completed Service Request | Scribe

    Completing the Review Step for a Completed Service Request

    • Craig Bartholomew |
    • 16 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • ServusconnectServusconnect
    From the dashboard, click "Needs Review"
    This will take you to a filtered list view of completed service request. Open the action menu by clicking on the ellipsis icon (three stacked dots) on one of the requests on the right side of the list.
    Click "Quick Review"
    This will bring you to the "Quick Review" screen - this is a split screen with list of SR's to be reviewed on the left and details of the selected SR on the right. Click on any SR to view the details on the right side of the screen.
    Review the technician notes on the SR to make sure you are happy with the completeness of the notes/photos or if there are other actions that need to be taken, ex., place on-hold, re-open, etc.
    If you are satisfied with the details, Click "Review". If you are not satisfied, please review Step-9 or Step-10.
    Select the appropriate note that will go to the resident via text and/or email. \*\*\*Note - this list may very from client-to-client; "Completion Notification" is the default.
    Click "Submit Review" to finalize the review and archive the request.
    If you are not satisfied with the repair notes and want the technician to take additional actions, click "Reopen" and the request will be routed back to the technician in the "Open" state. Be sure to add further context in the SR notes so the technician can take appropriate actions.\ \ \*\*\*Note - this is a helpful action if you want additional notes or photos from the technician before you archive the request.
    If you need to review further details on the request, like adjust the Resident-facing notes or put the request "On-Hold", click "View Service Request"
    To edit the resident completion notes, click "Edit"
    Type "It seems to have fixed the issue, but if it starts leaking again, please be sure to let us know - have a great day!"
    Edit the resident-facing notes as needed then click "SAVE".
    To review the request directly from the SR detail page, click the "Review" icon.
    Make the appropriate selection and click "Submit Review".
    That's it! Click "Dashboard" to go back to the dashboard.