Reviewing holiday dates and requesting holidays or notifying absence | Scribe

    Reviewing holiday dates and requesting holidays or notifying absence

    • Cheadle Masjid IT |
    • 6 steps |
    • 15 seconds
    • CheadlemasjidCheadlemasjid
    alert ordinal icon
    You should not be requesting holidays for your child during term time - this function should be used to inform us of sickness resulting in absence. Any holidays requested during term time will be declined and the absence will be marked as unauthorised in the same way it is at school.
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Holidays" - this page will now show you the term and holiday dates for your child's class.

    Making a holiday request

    Click "View Your Holiday Requests"
    Click "Request Holiday"
    Select your child's name and complete the information in the form below and then click submit request.

    Reviewing the response

    The outcome of your request can be seen below.
    alert ordinal icon
    You should not be requesting holidays for your child during term time - this function should be used to inform us of sickness resulting in absence. Any holidays requested during term time will be declined and the absence will be marked as unauthorised in the same way it is at school.