Reviews | Scribe


    • MsgBubble |
    • 7 steps |
    • 24 seconds
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    **Navigation** To view reviews, click on "Reviews" from the main navigation.
    **Reviews** All reviews will be shown in the main table including where the review came from (Review source), rating the review text.
    **Adding Reviews** To add a manual review click on "Add Review". This is not necessary if you want to add reviews posted to Google as MsgBubble will do this automatically once you finish the initial setup will discuss next.
    **Adding Review Sites** To add a review site click "Add a Site", you can also Edit a review site such as Google. Note that all accounts start with a Google review site already so you may only need to edit the existing field.
    **Adding Review Sites (continued)** Select the Review Site and the required information. For Google, you'll need your Google Places ID which looks like the example. To find your Google Places ID go to this url: <>
    **Google Places ID** Enter your Business Name and Address in the top field. Then copy the letters after "Places ID:" shown.
    **Editing Review Sites** To edit a review site, simply click the gear icon.