Running ATX epigenomic preprocessing | Scribe

    Running ATX epigenomic preprocessing

    • Jen Garbarino |
    • 14 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • LatchLatch
    • AtlasxomicsAtlasxomics
    information ordinal icon
    This workflow takes fastq files and aligns them using chromap to the genome as well as outputting QC metrics for the run and other files using cisTopic.
    Click on the workflows button in LatchBio to go to the workflows tab
    Click on the ATX epigenomic preprocessing
    Input the run id for this sample
    Next we will enter read 1 from the paired end sequencing
    Click "Select File" and then navigate to where read 1 is located. Click select once file is found
    Click "Select File" and then navigate to where read 1 is located. Click select once file is found
    alert ordinal icon
    Make sure your fastqs are compressed to use the workflow (fastq.gz)
    Input read 2 of the sample in the same manner
    Click "Select File" and then navigate to where read 2 is located. Click select once file is found
    Click "Select File" and then navigate to where read 2 is located. Click select once file is found
    Select the genome for chromap to align
    Click "Select Folder" and go to "Chromap_references". Click the genome you wish to align to and click "Select". If you need additional references contact AtlasXomics
    Click "Select Folder" and go to "Chromap_references". Click the genome you wish to align to and click "Select". If you need additional references contact AtlasXomics
    Choose the barcode file corresponding to the chip version run for your sample
    If running a spatial assay click here to perform peak calling in pseudo bulk for this sample. This is not recommend for runs with over 200 channels or very deeply sequenced runs.
    If sequencing a bulk optimization assay, click the bulk button
    Select the toggle for bulk if using our standard bulk optimization kit. If you are doing a no-ligation primer bulk select the other toggle. These will ensure the format of the reads is consistent for the alignment by assigning random barcodes to each fragment.
    Click "Launch Workflow" to begin processing. Outputs will be available in the chromap_outputs folder