SC.2.1b Convert an Estimate to a Purchase Order | Scribe

    SC.2.1b Convert an Estimate to a Purchase Order

    • 11 steps
    • Fast & Easy QBOFast & Easy QBO
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
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    NOTE: You must be in the same session of the Sample company as when you completed the exercise [SC.2.1a Create an Estimate.](
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    Now let's get started with the exercise.
    In a real life scenario, you would need to make sure that Purchase Orders is turned on. To do this, click on the "Gear icon", then click “Account and settings". From the left navigation bar, click “Expenses”, then check into the “Purchase orders” section to edit. In the Sample company, this feature is already turned on; no action is required.
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    Find the estimate you created in the previous exercise.
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Sales, then select "Customers"
    Click the light blue "Estimate" box to get a list of your estimates
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    This presents you with a list of all the customers with open estimates. In our case, there is only one.
    Click "1 open estimate"
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    If any pop-ups appear, just click out of them. This would give you a list of all the open estimates for Gevelber Photography. In our case, there is only one.
    Click "Edit" on that line
    In the upper right, click the "down arrow" next to Create invoice, then select "Copy to purchase order"
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    A pop-up warning from QBO will appear, stating only the product items, not the service items, will transfer to the purchase order.
    Click "OK".
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    Now, complete the Purchase Order.
    In the Vendor field, select "Norton Lumber and Building Materials"
    Remove the Rock Fountain by clicking the "trash can icon" on that line (you already have that item in stock)
    Assign Gevelber Photography as the client for the pump by clicking into the Customer field, then select "Gevelber Photography"
    Click "Save and close"
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    Keep this session of the Sample company open for the next exercise: [SC.2.1c Convert an Estimate to an Invoice](

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