SN1 - How Does a Candidate Confirm and Approve Job Offer (Worker)
Laura DiNitto |
11 steps |
41 seconds
**When a supplier submits a candidate to a job order, a notification goes out via email to the talent to confirm their information and accept the job.**
Click **"Confirm Email"**
Review and confirm the information is correct and click "Next".
Select jobs interested in.
Click the check box on the bottom right to agree to the SourceNow terms of use.
Click "Next"
Under password, type in a password following the requirements.
Click "Finish & Log In"
Click **"Confirm"** to accept the job
Alert! It is important to click on the confirm button and not exit the page without doing so. Exiting the page without confirming the job will move you into a pending order confirmation and not a "hired" status until doing so.
Finished! You will get two more emails.
1\. Letting you know that you have completed the registration process.
2\. Letting you know that you've been hired on the assignment.
The **"congratulations"** email will have your log in credentials and a direct link to SN1.
Tip! If you forgot to confirm the job, please log in with your credentials and click on "view details" at the top of the page. You will then get a pop-up to confirm the job.
The **"hired"** email includes the assignment details and direct link.