SP Guide: Starting (and Completing) a Proposal | Scribe

    SP Guide: Starting (and Completing) a Proposal

    • Enrico Sassi |
    • 12 steps |
    • 53 seconds
    • CayuseCayuse
    Navigate to <https://nmu.app.cayuse.com/>
    Click on "Products"
    For an application, click "Sponsored Projects"
    Click "Start New Proposal"
    Unless your work is connected to a previous proposal, click "This proposal is not related to any existing proposals or awards (Create New Project)"
    Enter a title for your project - this does not need to be the official title; it only serves to identify your grant. (It helps us if you include your name in the title - that way, we can identify it easily if you need support.) Then, click "Create New Project."
    The top dashboard will populate as you enter data, so don't worry about it. Instead, go to the "Proposal Sections" menu (in the Proposal Form tab).
    Start entering your proposal information and go through the different sections. Note that questions and sections may be added depending on the answers you provide.
    When you have answered all questions, all the red circles with numbers will turn to green ones with check marks.
    Click "Route for Review"\ For **External Grant Applications**, routing will forward your proposal to the NMU offices that must approve the submission (department, college, Controller's Office, Office of Sponsored Programs)\ For **Internal Award Submissions**, routing = submit. (You are done!)
    **For External Grant Applications**, your submission will first be reviewed by the Office of Sponsored Programs; it will, then, be returned to you for certification. You will receive an email from Cayuse Administration asking you to certify the application. Click the link in the email, which will bring you to the screen below. Click Certify and follow the certification step.
    **For External Grant Applications**: You have now completed your submission, which will be routed for internal approvals.