SVGE Zoho CRM Event Booking Approval Workflow | Scribe

    SVGE Zoho CRM Event Booking Approval Workflow

    • Stan Felix |
    • 21 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • ZohoZoho

    Standard Approve Attendance To The Event - All Event Types

    You can get a quick view of the latest event registrations under the "New Deals - Latest 72 HRS (Europe)" section on the CRM home page.
    This section contains some key pieces of identifiable information such as the Deal Name, Campaign Source (Event Name), Account Name, and Contact Name. To access the Deal record you can click on the Deal Name.
    Once in the Deal record you can take one of two actions, Approve or Reject the Deal. In this case we are going to Approve the Deal. Click "Approve"
    Before the Deal can be approved, you need to define the Delegate Type.
    We are going to go with the Member option. Select it from the dropdown to continue.
    Click "Save" to complete the approval.
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    Contact will be sent a standard automatic approval confirmation message.
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    If event is Virtual + Zoom, the confirmation will be sent via Zoom.

    VIP Approve Attendance To The Event - All Event Types

    Navigate to the deal you are looking to approve.
    Click on the "Approve" button.
    Since this is a VIP approval, select "VIP" for the Delegate Type.
    Click "Save" to complete the approval
    The deal stage will be updated to "Approved".
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    A VIP approval email will be sent to the contact.
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    Note that if the event is a Virtual + Zoom, the contact will be sent a standard zoom confirmation email.

    Marking an attendee as "Attended"

    Click into the Deal for the registration you want to mark as having attanded the event.
    Click on "Attended"