Sales, average price, number of reservations and cancellation rate by distributor | Scribe
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Sales, average price, number of reservations and cancellation rate by distributor
Reservit Canada |
0 step |
19 seconds
Click "Statistics" then ''Dashboard''
Then, you can select the concerned dates here :
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Beginning Date
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Ending Date
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You can select with these two buttons, how you want to process your stats, by date of creation or date of stay of your bookings.
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Your dashboard with the 5 best-performing distribution channels will be presented to you.
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Tip! You can find these statistics for a particular distributor by selecting the filters.
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If you want more detail click on the arrow
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With these two buttons, you can select two ways to calculate the results of your distributors: by the date of reservation creation or by the date of stay
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Tip! You can compare your distributors by selecting criterias.
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To compare the different data presented, check or uncheck the boxes on the screen.
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Tip! You can export the presented data in Excel or PDF format
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