Scheduling your exam appointment in the Testing Center | Scribe

    Scheduling your exam appointment in the Testing Center

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      DO NOT use Safari as your browser to access RegisterBlast. You will receive an error message and will not be able to schedule an appointment.
      To begin, log in to Canvas and select the course you are needing to schedule an appointment for. Ex., if you are needing to schedule an exam for BIOL 1000, you would click on the Canvas course for BIOL 1000.
      Once you are in the course, select the "RegisterBlast" link in the navigation panel on the left side of your screen.
      Exams that are available for you to take will be listed. Find the course/exam you are looking to schedule for and select the link.
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      If you do not see an exam listed that you expected to see, especially if you are taking a multiple attempt exam, please click "My Exams" BEFORE selecting the "full exam list to schedule" link.
      If the exam is hosted in more than one location and you'd like to select a different location, you would do that here. You are automatically scheduled for Gilman 2252 unless you select otherwise. Select the location for your appointment.
      If you have an accommodation registered with the Student Accessibility Services and the Testing Center can accommodate, you will see that information here.
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      Please note that the Gilman and Carver 250 locations can only accommodate extended time. Our Carver 60 and Hixon-Lied 2242 locations can also accommodate low-distraction.
      Available dates for the exam will populate and show in red. Select the date for your appointment.
      Available times will also be displayed. Select the time for your appointment.
      DO NOT change the name and email information that will autopopulate.
      Read through the instructions at the bottom of the submission letter, select the checkbox, and click "Add to Cart"
      Click "Complete Registration" to secure your exam appointment.
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      Have questions or don't see your exam listed? Send us a message at [email protected].