Create a search in [SciFinder-n](
Please note: To access SciFinder-n, Monash University staff and students must first register.
SciFinder-n registration
Click on the **Register here** link.
Click Next.
Read and **Accept** the License Agreement.
Enter your **Contact information** into the required fields.
Direct Export
Create a search in [SciFinder-n](
Select the **Reference** that you want to use.
Mark individual records you wish to export to EndNote using the checkboxes on each record.
Click on the **Download icon** along the top of the search results
In the **Download Reference Results** popup, select **Citation (.ris)** as the file type
Click **Download.**
Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.
Bulk Export
Create a search in [SciFinder-n]( and then select the multiple **References** required.
Records to be bulk exported do not need to be marked (the first 500 records unless you specify otherwise).
Click on the **Download icon** top right of the search results.
In the **Download Reference Results** popup, select **Citation (.ris)** as the file type.
Select the range of records to export eg. 1-2 (or 101-300).
0 Selected
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Press space bar to start a drag.
When dragging you can use the arrow keys to move the item around and escape to cancel.
Some screen readers may require you to be in focus mode or to use your pass through key