Scopus: Export to EndNote | Scribe

    Scopus: Export to EndNote

    • SDC Library |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes

      Direct Export

      Create a search in [Scopus]( click "Search"
      Mark the individual record you wish to export to EndNote using the check box to the left of the record.
      Click "Export" at the top of the search results.
      Select either **RIS** file type or **EndNote (RIS)** from the drop-down menu.
      Use the check boxes to select the information you wish to export then click "Export"
      Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.

      Bulk Export

      You can export a maximum of 2000 records at a time to EndNote using the instructions below. It is possible to export a .CSV file of up to 20000 records but it is quite a [complex process](
      Create a search in [Scopus]( click "Search"
      Scroll to the bottom of the page of results and change the number of results per page using this dropdown.
      Click "All" checkbox.
      Click "Export"
      Click "RIS"
      Click the "All documents on this page" field.
      Using the check boxes to select the information you wish to export then click "Export"
      Records imported into your EndNote library are displayed in **Imported References**.
      This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe