Score Entry using the DERTinfo App | Scribe

    Score Entry using the DERTinfo App

    • DERT Steering Group |
    • 15 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • Auth0Auth0
    • DertinfoDertinfo
    Go to your internet browser on your phone and type in <>
    Enter the login details for your pub provided in the Roles & Responsibilities document.
    Click "LOG IN"
    Click the menu button.
    Here you'll find all the links you'll need, including a 'Help' section in case you get stuck on the day and need a refresher of this tutorial. Now Click "Venue"
    You'll see that it shows the pub you are in.
    Click the menu button again and then click "Dances"
    Here you'll see a list of the competitors and the competition, at the bottom of the list you'll see the teams that you have completed scores for. To enter a team's score, just click on their name.
    You will then see this screen where you'll be able to click into each section and enter the score the judges have put on the scoresheet.
    When you enter an expected dance all scores will show as 0 waiting for you to enter the scores provided by the judges. Judges may have categories that only 1 judge scores or they may have scores that multiple judges score (e.g. buzz and presentation). You will need to take the average of the scores where the category is split across the judges by adding the two scores together and dividing by two. For example: - e.g. Judge 1 = 15, Judge 2 = 13, Average is 14 - e.g. Judge 1 = 10, Judge 2 = 9, Average is 9.5 - e.g. Judge 1 = 10, Judge 2 = 10, Average is 10 Judges should be providing marks in whole numbers for clarity to the competitors and ease of reading and processing on the score sheets.
    At the bottom of the screen, you will see a toggle that you can turn on and off. This is only to be used if a team has run over the 5-minute time limit. The Judge Minder will write down the time of the dance on the scoresheet, so if the number is over 5 minutes, please turn the toggle on.
    Once you have entered the scores, have checked them and are happy, then click 'Send Scores'.
    Once you have submitted the scores, the app will take you to the next screen which will allow you to take a photo of the scoresheet. Click 'Take Photo'.
    It will then take you to a camera screen, you can either take a photo directly here or choose to upload the image from your photo library. Once you have taken the photo you will then be able to take another of the second scoresheet.
    Sometimes the image may take longer to resize, if this is the case, you can continue entering the scores for other teams and come back to try again. If the error keeps occurring, please refresh the browser and try again. If you still can't get it to work, please let us know in the WhatsApp group and one of the committee will come and pick up the scoresheets.