Searching for a Specific Journal in BrowZine | Scribe

    Searching for a Specific Journal in BrowZine

    • Ezzie |
    • 0 step |
    • 47 seconds
    Start at the Library homepage[](;;&utta_det=x;;;;c;&gclid=CjwKCAjwzuqgBhAcEiwAdj5dRrEiH4jUD8bAHI1ucjbDN-gMvkWzVaaLCtYWN0N2e12fhFAasViWshoCv1cQAvD_BwE)
    Click "Journals by Title"
    Type the journal name in the search box. \ For this example I typed Evidence Based Nursing.
    Click the desired title.
    Notice the Lock Icon. This means we do not have access to this issue. Article titles will still be listed and you can request them through Interlibrary Loan.
    Journal Issues are listed by year. Select any year to view the volumes/issues for the given year.
    Select the desired volume/issue to view article titles.
    Click on any title to view the full-text article.

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