Seeing Course Recommendations and Submitting Course Requests | Scribe

    Seeing Course Recommendations and Submitting Course Requests

    • Matthew Brennan |
    • 9 steps |
    • 16 seconds
    • SkywardSkyward

    Viewing Course Recommendations

    Navigate to Skyward and log in. **Note:** You'll need to access Skyward on a computer or in desktop mode on a mobile device.
    Click the menu in the top-right corner, then open the **Scheduling** tab and select the **Teacher Recommendations** option.
    From here, you can view a list of all the courses that teachers have recommended.

    Submitting Course Requests

    Navigate to Skyward and log in.
    Click the tile labeled **Course Requests** on the home screen.
    Search by the subject or description of the course you would like to request. Repeat for each course that needs to be added. **Be sure that the course you select is the correct one.**
    Requested courses will display on the right side of the screen. To remove a request, click the request, click the red circle next to the course description. When all requests have been added, click "Submit Course Requests".
    Select the **Alternates** tab if you would like to add additional courses. If a requested course is unavailable, alternate courses will be added to your schedule.
    When finished, click the **Submit Course Requests** link.