Set Up Proofpoint Connector and Rules in VircomPortal | Scribe

    Set Up Proofpoint Connector and Rules in VircomPortal

    • Sam Junker |
    • 0 step |
    • 4 minutes
    Login to your []( using same credentials as the ones you use to login to Proofpoint portal, then click on **CONNECTORS AND RULES**
    Click the arrow in the Action drop down menyu
    Click Create **All Mail Flow** to create all the necessary RULES and CONNECTORS
    Click the Arrow to display the list of Clients
    Choose the concerned client from the list
    Click **CREATE** button
    Copy the AUTHORIZATION code
    Click ***AUTHORIZE*** Button
    Paste the copied code in the field.
    Click the ***NEXT*** button
    Choose the correct Account that has **administrator rights** for that specific tenant
    Click the ***CONTINUE*** button to begin the RULES and CONNECTORS creation process
    Once the process is done successfully, you will get prompted with similar window illustrating all the Rules and Connectors that were created
    Click ***OK*** button to close the pop up
    Switch to you Exchange online **RULES** to witness the RULES created, then click on CONNECTORS **Note:** the number of RULES (3 or 5 ) can be different depending on the Proofpoint package you have chosen
    Witness the TWO CONNECTORS that were created
    Under the RULES make sure to enable the TWO RULES as SHOWN in the screen shot **Note:** the RULE "**Proofpoint lockdown...**" ***MUST NOT*** be enable for the first day. Enable it only after couple days. this RULE will basically Lock Down your tenant and only accept message that are coming from Proofpoint IP address, otherwise the email will be rejected. If you have a device sending directly to office365 you MUST add its IP address in the EXCEPTION list
    Click "***Proofpoint Inbound Connector via VircomPortal US***" and enable it **Note :** this connector MUST be enable to ensure that the communication between Proofpoint and office365 is done through TLS. Also it is required by Auditors
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