Set up Store Access and Cost Center | Scribe

    Set up Store Access and Cost Center

    • Brittany Claridge |
    • 9 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • CampusgroupsCampusgroups
    Navigate to your store within your group within Hopkins Groups.
    Click "Toggle Dropdown"
    Click "Access"
    Click the "Some Hopkins Groups tagged users only (click to select users)" field.
    Click "Some Hopkins Groups tagged users only (click to select users)"
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    This access right type is used to filter access by universal user tags (school, major, etc.). You can also limit access by other factors: - Everyone (default option): Content is accessible by everybody - Hopkins Groups users only: Logged in Hopkins Groups users will be the only users allowed access to this content. - Some Hopkins Groups users only (click to select users): If you want to be more specific in your selection, you can select sub-groups within a group. - Some users only (click to select users): This allows you to provide access to select individual users. - Groups members only: You have the option to select only group members. - Some group members only (click to select groups): If you want to limit the selection of members within a group, you can select one or several sub-groups within the group just by clicking the checkbox(es) of your choice. - Tagged people only (select one or several tags): You can create groups using the tagging module. Select one or more tags to get a group of members with common features. - Officers only: You can select only members who are officers in the group.
    Click the "Search" field and search for the audiences you wish to include. Check off those audiences you wish to include/allow access.
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    **Tip!** To allow access to all Bloomberg users, select "SIS|School: Bloomberg School of Public Health" and "Bloomberg School of Public Health".
    Click "Save"
    Click "Settings"
    Click the "Cost Center Code" field. Enter the appropriate Cost Center Code.
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    The Cost Center Code for Student Assembly is 1600408006.