Creating a Zap | Scribe

    Creating a Zap

    • Tall Bob |
    • 18 steps |
    • 57 seconds
    • TallbobTallbob
    Navigate to [](
    Click on the 'Zapier Integration' Tab
    Click on the 'Create Zap' Button
    Creating a Zap consists of two steps. Setting up a trigger and then setting up an action that needs to be performed.\ \ Click on the Trigger field
    Select the App which is going to be used for the trigger. \ \ Based on example scenario, we would be choosing Freshdesk App for our trigger
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    Once the App is chosen, you may have to configure it if it's not done already. \ \ You would be asked to 'Sign In' to your account and you would be asked to provide certain information to configure the trigger app. \ \ In our example, the freshdesk configuration would look like this. Providing the required details and clicking on 'Yes Continue to Freshdesk Button' will get the app configured
    Once the App is configured \[if applicable\], the next step would be choosing the trigger event. \ \ For our example we would choose the trigger event to be 'New Ticket'
    Click on 'Continue Button' to move on to the next step
    The next step is to select your account that is mapped with the App that you have chosen for your trigger.\ \ In our example scenario, we would choose the Tall Bob freshdesk account. \ \ Once the account is chosen, click on the 'Continue Button'
    The final step is to click on the 'Test Trigger'. This will ensure that the trigger has been setup correctly.
    Click on the 'Action Field'.
    Select the App which is going to be used for the action. \ \ Based on example scenario, we would be choosing Tall Bob App for our action
    The next step would be signing in to Zapier using the Tall Bob credentials. Once the details are provided click on the 'Yes, Continue to Tall Bob Button'
    Once the App is chosen, the next step would be choosing the action event. \ \ For our example we would choose the action event to be 'Send SMS'
    Click on 'Continue Button' to move on to the next step
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    The next step is to select the Tall Bob account that you have chosen for your action.\ \ If you haven't configured your Tall Bob account with Zapier, click on the link to view the detailed steps <>
    Once the account is chosen, click on the 'Continue Button'
    The next step is to set the action. In this scenario, setup the values of 'From', 'To' and the 'Message' Field\ \ Once the details are filled in, click on the 'Continue Button'
    Once the action is setup, click on the 'Test Step Button' This will ensure that the action is being performed correctly
    Provide a name for you Zap and click on the 'Publish Button'