Setting Transactional Notification Time Zones, Time Ranges, and Blackout Dates. | Scribe

    Setting Transactional Notification Time Zones, Time Ranges, and Blackout Dates.

    • Rachel Cleveland |
    • 13 steps |
    • 36 seconds
    • UniquelibraryUniquelibrary
    From the home page of Message Bee, you will select the Admin tab.
    Select **Customer Settings**
    This feature of MessageBee allows you to modify your communication delivery times. You will want to select your location timezone under "Set Timezone". Click 'Save' after making any changes.
    To change your Timezone, select your desired timezone from the drop down. In the example below, we are changing frome Eastern to Pacific.
    Once you have selected your desired time zone, click "Save"
    If you are changing Timezones, you will receive the note below. It is recommended that you select, 'Change Timezone and Update Times'. This will ensure all times currently listed adjust to YOUR timezone.
    **Default Send Times:** You can select the default times you want your email, SMS and voice notifications to be delivered. You will want to enter both a start time and an end time. Be sure to select "Save" after making any changes. Times are defaulted to list in 'Eastern'. Remember, if you have made an update to your timezone, and selected the 'Change Timezone and Update Times" option, times should be reflecting in your current timezone.
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    Please note, currently you have to change the time selections for each communication channel separately.
    **Per-Day Send Times:** Would you like your notices to deliver at a different time on certan days of the week? The Per-Day Send Times option allow you to set varying delivery times based on the day of the week. Select 'Add New Day'.
    Next, select the day of the week and then designate the desired start and end times.
    Be sure to click 'Save' after each entry.
    **BLACKOUT DATES:** Need to stop notifications for certain dates? Navigate to the Blackout Dates option, select 'Add New Date' and then select the date(s) for which you do not want notices sent. For example, here you can see a blackout date for November, 27, 2024 (Thanksgiving). Select 'Add New Date'.
    Next, select the deisred black out date from the calendar.
    Make sure to hit "Save" once you have your date selected.
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    Please note - if you are managing multiple communication channels, you will need to change the dates and times for **each** communication channel.