Syncing Klaviyo Segment to Tall Bob | Scribe

    Syncing Klaviyo Segment to Tall Bob

    • Tall Bob |
    • 7 steps |
    • 10 seconds
    • TallbobTallbob
    • KlaviyoKlaviyo
    Navigate to <>
    Select the list or segment you would like to sync with Tall Bob.
    In the URL of the selected segment, you’ll see a specific value. This value represents the segment ID. Please copy the 6-character code.
    Open a new tab and log into your Tall Bob account. After logging in, go to [[]]
    Navigate to the Klaviyo Integration tab and click the +symbol in the List/Segment IDs section.
    In the List or Segment ID field, paste the Klaviyo Segment ID that you copied in Step 3.
    Assign a name to your list or segment, then click the 'Add' button to complete the process.
    information ordinal icon
    Please be aware the time taken to sync will depend on the size of your list or segment. Once the initial sync is complete, a default sync will automatically run every night.